Week #9 – Not A “Happy” Tail

30 Mar

In my last post I had promised to provide more information about dog racing, however in keeping my promise to provide accurate information on my page about Greyhounds, I need to amend a prior post before starting down a new path. And yes, I’ll admit that I’m in part procrastinating researching websites with pictures that will probably make me cry. I’ve had a rough week and let’s be real, we all have our limits.    

 Anyhow, I recently contacted the adoption organization where I found Miss Jane because I wanted to say hello and ask a quick question. Which reminds me, in case anyone reading is a worry wart like myself, if your greyhound starts to pant excessively be sure to account for a sudden change in the weather as the reason for such panting before contacting everyone Grey owner you know. Luckily Denise, the woman who started the adoption agency, was my first call. After assuring me that Janie was okay because the weekend weather jumped from in the 50’s to the 80’s, we chatted about what’s been going on and of course I re-counted the whole story about Janie’s tail. I told Denise that Janie has a bad case of “happy” tail syndrome and was surprised when she responded that she didn’t think was the correct diagnosis. Apparently “happy” tail syndrome mainly affects the tip of the tail. Because there is no way to stitch this area, you just have to wait for the wound to heal which can take months because the wound will  constantly break open every time the dogs hits it against anything. Janie’s tailed healed in about a month’s time and was able to be stapled back together.

I trust the information given to me by Denise because she has worked with Greyhounds for many years and has seen about every injury a Greyhound could have. I’m glad I was able to reach her on the phone instead of email. I feel old fashioned in the fact that I prefer contact with everyone in this way, in all aspects of my life. Despite growing up with a generation who mainly communicates electronically through one or several of the social networks out there, talking on the phone allows for that extra level of interpersonal communication to happen.  When I write a post, I constantly review and re-edit, and sometimes analyze each sentence (thanks to my job) to ensure that my true personality is reflected through my writing. Because at the end of the day my overall goal is to connect with you, my audience… and I think there are a few of you out there (Mom not included).

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